News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1556
Last updateFri, 11 Oct 2024 4pm

Drumheller Dragons’ sweet secret

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    The Dragons have a special fan, and she knows how to get them to visit.
A batch of her homemade cookies.
    Anne Rogers has been in the valley for 12 years, and while she is a lifelong Calgary Flames fan, she has taken a shine to the Drumheller Dragons. She is also an avid baker.
    “I love to bake, but I don’t want to eat it myself,” she chuckles.
    The Dragons have been coming to visit Manor II where she lives since 2013, she has been baking for them on their visits.
    When she first came to the valley she only went to a few Dragons games, but now she has season tickets. She is a fixture in the arena cheering on her team. She also comes to watch the Junior Dragon events as she has two great grandchildren who are part of the club.
    A couple times a year she also makes sure that the officials, on and off the ice, are taken care of with a big batch of chocolate chip cookies.
    She turns 80 on February 26, and she says the Dragons have to win their home game versus the Okotoks Oilers on February 25.
    As the season rolls to a close however, she is almost done baking. She says she only bakes during the regular season, a sweet hockey superstition.

Check pickleball off ParticipACTION Canada 150 Playlist

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Drumheller residents are showing how active they are taking on the particiPACTION Canad150 Playlist, and today crossed pickleball of the list. The Pickleball Group at the Badland Community Facility invited the community to try out the sport, learn the rules and have fun. Ian Jones, centre, shows April Harrison, left, and Marley Henneigh the proper way to grip the racquet.

Tough Mudder pulls up stakes

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 After a three-year run in the valley, Tough Mudder is heading for muckier pastures.
     Greg Peters, Director of Protective Services told The Mail, that Tough Mudder has decided to look elsewhere for its event this year.
    “They responded this week, that they were not coming back this year,” said Peters.
    Tough Mudder debuted to great fanfare in the valley in 2014, with great registration and great weather. While many in the valley expected more spinoff, the event was well received.
    In year two, Tough Mudder was the toughest year with chilly weather keeping all but the hardcore away.
    Last summer they moved the event to August, and still had pretty good success. It appears these aren’t the numbers organizers are looking for.
    “What I gather is they are putting their resources towards bigger places where they can get thousands and thousands of people,” said Peters.
    He adds they worked well with the community to stage the event.
    “It’s nothing against the town, they spoke really highly of the scenery and the cooperation of the town. I think it’s economics, and it is a live fast, die young kind of industry.”
    He said this doesn’t close the door on Tough Mudder returning or any other event like it coming.


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