News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1460
Last updateTue, 15 Oct 2024 12am

Town invites input on Downtown Beautification Project

20170714 Downtown Beautification BCF TJH 0022

The Town of Drumheller has officially launched a consultation on three possible options to create a more vibrant and beautiful downtown. The options suggest new benches, bike racks, a possible raised sidewalk, and other interesting items.

The options will be available from July 14 at 2 p.m. to July 30 at 8 p.m. at the Badlands Community Facility (BCF) foyer. The options are also available online at the Town Website. to have your say.

“The feedback that we get from this will help us to create a more polished look and feel for downtown, which we expect will lead to increased business investment and employment.” explained Mayor Terry Yemen.

The results of the consultation will be used to implement one of Town Council’s 2017 Economic Development priorities by beautifying the Central Business District.
This project is partly funded by the Government of Alberta’s CAREs grant program, which was approved in March 2017.

Option One


Option Two


Option Three


Newcastle Hall celebrates with Canada 150 grant


(l-r) Gunnar Mortensen, Newcastle Hall president Bob Benner, Salvation Army employee Janessa McAuley, and John Wallace stand outside Freson Bros. on Saturday, July 15, for the Salvation Army Food Bank fundraiser. As part of the Canada 150 celebrations, the Canada 150 committee granted $400 to the Newcastle Hall Association for a special barbecue and cake at the Freson Bros parking lot. Volunteers of the Drumheller Citizens on Patrol Association (DCOPA) were on hand to collect donations for the Salvation Army food bank, which raised $463.15 overall.

Investing in a Lifelong Basic Skill

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For many years the Delia Elks and Royal Purple have been donating funds to the bussing of the Delia Elementary students to go to Drumheller for their annual swimming lessons.

This year John Rogers presented Logan and Lexie Raugust and Sawyer Thompson with the donation at the weekly Bingo in Delia. Accompanying the students were their teacher; Mrs. Donna Johnson and Ms. Lindsay Gould.

This is a huge step for this service club to commit to investing in the students’ lifelong learning of a basic skill.

The teachers, students, and parents of the school wish to extend their appreciation and thanks for this donation.



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