News | DrumhellerMail - Page #2353
Last updateSun, 06 Oct 2024 1pm

Task Force recommends conditions for East Coulee Water Station


There was a packed house on Monday night  as council discussed the recommendations of the East Coulee Water Fill  Task Force.

Councillors Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk and Sharel Shoff, comprising the Town of Drumheller’s East Coulee Water Fill Station Task Force, put forth some restrictions for the planned East Coulee Water Fill Station.
  Council  approved the report recommending certain conditions be met at its regular meeting of Monday, March 24.
  The five recommendations are:

  • the water fill station should be installed at this location (Town selected site.)
  • the size of the line for the water fill station is not to exceed 1 1/2 inches (about double the size of the average household garden hose) and also would include bucket fill for smaller quantity of water.
  • the hours of operation be 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM as per the Community Standards Bylaw, and activity is to be monitored to ensure compliance.
  • the appearance of the water fill station should be chosen to enhance the appearance of the entrance to East Coulee. Options will be provided and East Coulee will be asked for their preferred option. (Options forwarded to the Chairman of the East Coulee Community Association.)
  • the size of the trucks permitted to use the fill station must be no larger than 28,000 kgs.

    “The most important thing about the report is the recommendations,” said Councillor Sharel Shoff.
    “Council has said that allows the administration and the town staff to go ahead with what’s happening with this water fill station.”
    “I hope people understand the importance of what we did do, and we did follow what they wanted. I know they won’t be happy with having a water fill station, but I think if they look, they’ll see they will have fresh water, and then they’ll have an opportunity to make a nice looking building.”
    The Task Force met with East Coulee residents on January 19 at the BCF to hear their concerns on the proposed fill station.
    After Council approved the report, an East Coulee resident voiced concerns over impact of emissions from trucks idling at the water fill station.
    The Task Force hired Stantec Consulting Ltd. to analyze the soil and water conditions at the fill site at the intersection of 1 Avenue and 5 Street in East Coulee.
    Samples were taken at and around the fill station site.
    Stantec states the site is a suitable location for a water filling station, with ground disturbance activities associated with the construction and installation of the water fill station unlikely to spread    soil contaminants into local wells.
    A sample was also taken from River Drive and another sample was taken from about the middle of 4th and 5th Street and 2nd Avenue and River Drive.
    The Town has forwarded Stantec’s findings on to Alberta Health Services and Alberta Environment after their tests identified ground water contamination in East Coulee, raising concerns over the water in domestic wells in the area.

“Kats Kause” fundraiser for medical treatment

Friends and family have rallied around Kathryn Hunter and are holding a fundraising evening  to help Kathryn’s fight against Lyme disease.
    The fundraiser is at Acme Community Centre Saturday, April 5, 2014, starting at 5 p.m.
    Donations for Kats Kause can also be dropped off at Shredz in downtown Drumheller.
    Money raised will go toward Kathryn’s travel and medical treatment in the United States, and her other medical costs that aren’t covered by insurance.
    Crystal Sereda, Kathryn’s sister, said the plan is for Kathryn to travel to Kansas to see a specialist.
    The last five years have been especially tough on Kathryn,  including two difficult pregnancies, and the past year has created enormous challenges for the families after Kathryn became extremely  ill.
    Crystal said her sister has received conflicting medical diagnoses, having been tested and treated for Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
    Kathryn’s a very talented hairdresser, but became so ill her whole body hurt, she started dropping weight quickly, and she got to the point where she had trouble at work holding the scissors and combing hair, Crystal explained.
    It was at that point last August that Kathryn had to quit her work.
    Crystal said she knew it wasn’t MS because her sister wasn’t getting any better, and it didn’t add up.
    Hope came in the form of a local resident.
    Crystal was aware of a local woman’s fight with Lyme disease, so contacted her and spoke with her over the period of a couple of months.
    With the support of her parents, Kathryn met with the local lyme patient, who provided a blood collection kit to Kathryn.
    Lyme was diagnosed after Kathryn sent the kit  to IgeneX Laboratories in the United States for analysis in December.
    She received the positive test results for Lyme disease and co-infections (parasites and other bacteria related to Lyme) in January.
    “The doctor in Drumheller wanted to help, but didn’t have enough information, didn’t know anything about Lyme (disease) and how to treat it,” said Crystal.
    Another hurdle was then trying to find a doctor to treat Kathryn.
    “Doctors have lost their licensing practices in Canada for treating Lyme,” explained Crystal.
    Kathryn finally found an Alberta doctor in mid-February, who recommended the treatment with the specialist in Kansas.  Crystal said the aim was for Kathryn to make the trip in April, but it was put off until May on her doctor’s recommendation.
    Kathryn is receiving B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and IV hydration, to get her strong enough to travel.
    Crystal said Kathryn’s doctor will accompany her on the trip down to Kansas.
    “Because every patient is so different, Kathryn and her doctor will learn from the specialist what the course of treatment would be.
    Crystal said they’ll have to wait and see if her sister can even make it to the fundraiser.
    “She’s really quite sick.”
    “She just wants to be able to get out of bed and play with her kids. Or drive. Or clean her house.”

2014 MS Walk in the Badlands May 4


Walk, saunter or stroll through the Drumheller MS walk, taking place this year on Sunday, May 4 starting at the Badlands Community Facility. Local walk coordinator Shauna Brown notes the first MS Walk in Drumheller took place in 1999.

Those looking for a relaxed day with a little bit of exercise, fun and beautiful scenery may want to consider registering for this year’s MS Walk for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada.
    The Drumheller MS Walk takes place Sunday, May 4, starting out and ending at the Badlands Community Facility.
    Check in time is 9:30 a.m. and the walk starts at 10:00 a.m.
    “It’s gearing up to be a really good, fun family event.,” said local walk coordinator Shauna Brown.
    “There are some corporate teams - they’re really gung -ho - they’re helping to build the spirit of the walk,”    
    Freson Bros. has donated to the walk, providing the use of their barbecue, hot dogs and smokies for hungry walkers at the Badlands Community Facility.
    Brown notes the route is the same as last year - BCF to the hospital, back to BCF, out to the high school, then back to BCF.
    “It’s 10K total - you can walk any portion of it,” said Brown, adding the walk to the hospital and back is close to 5K.
    The walking track at BCF is available as the back-up plan in case bad weather forces cancellation of the outdoor walk.
    Brown said this year they plan to have entertainment in place along the entire route.
    Brown would like to sign up more kids to entertain, for example to juggle or perform gymnastics, during the walk.
    Anyone interested in volunteering or wanting to register for the walk can contact Shauna Brown at 403-436-0576.
    Participants can also register for the walk at
    Brown said the walks are a major source of funding for the MS Society.
    Two community outreach coordinators now travel to Stettler, Hanna and Drumheller to work for the clients and their families to help improve the quality of life for MS patients and their families.
    Brown says this shows what is made possible through all the funds raised in the community walks.



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