News | DrumhellerMail - Page #2598
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Wheatland unveils new long-range development plan

    Residents of Wheatland County are being asked to help set the course for the county’s development.
    On Monday, May 27, at the Cheadle Community Hall and Tuesday, May 28, at the Rosebud Community Hall, the county is hosting Town Hall meetings to discuss the new Municipal Development Plan (MDP) being drafted by the county. Both meetings start at 6:30 p.m.
    “Public consultation is always encouraged when we’re doing a bylaw. We always try to do a presentation. Our consultant will go through what’s different and then people can comment,” said Linda Henrickson, Project Manager for Wheatland County.
    The current MDP was adopted in 2006. Since then, much in the county has changed and it was felt it was time to update the county’s development direction.
    “We’re required to look at it every few years according to the Municipal Government Act. The MDP we have currently wasn’t the best plan as far as details go. It was done in 2006, so it was time,” said Henrickson.
    The draft refines the document and places a greater emphasis on encouraging development in the county’s hamlets. The goal is to move residential development to the small hamlets and villages, rather than sprawling acreages, which take away from available agricultural land.
    “There wasn’t much direction as far as development goes in the old plan. One thing we added is we’re trying to encourage development in the hamlets, as opposed to out in the middle of the county, so we can preserve our agricultural land. It’s tough to make people do that, because they want their dream acreage,” said Henrickson.
    The MDP is a document adopted by municipalities which serves as a guideline for the vision, goals, objectives, and policies of the municipality.
    Everybody in the county is encouraged to attend one of the meetings.
    “Everybody should stop by, learn about what’s going on, and help set the direction for the county,” said Wheatland Reeve Glenn Koester.

Emergency Services mark Police Day

    Emergency Services in Drumheller are marking  Police  Week with its annual barbecue  on Mother’s Day.
    This year, May 12 to 18 marks Police Week, which is dedicated to strengthening ties between police and communities.  Both the RCMP and community members play an essential role in ensuring that Drumheller and the surrounding communities are safe and secure.
    That is why Police Week is so important; it reminds us every year that police-community cooperation is key.
     On Sunday, May 12, Drumheller RCMP Detachment will be hosting its annual community barbecue at the Drumheller Fire Hall in recognition of Police Week.  Lunch will be provided between 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. 
    There will be displays by police, fire, EMS, and Victim Services.  If you are out and about on Mother’s Day, please stop by the fire hall and visit with your local emergency services personnel.

Guides to Rally in the Valley Saturday

    This Saturday more than 300 guides of all ages will be in the valley to celebrate the centennial of Girl Guides in Alberta.
    “Three Cheers for 100 Years” is the name for the rally hosted by the Drumheller First Girl Guides. They have invited Guides from the Prairie Rose Area. This includes participants Okotoks, High River and Black Diamond. The participants are all ages; from Sparks to Rangers.
    “It is exciting and very hard work,” said Donna Thomas of Drumheller Girls Guides, adding she is grateful for all the volunteers, leaders and Guides who have shown support for the event.
    According to a release, the girls will rotate through a series of activities in multi-branch groups. Each station will have activities, games and crafts to reflect on the history of guiding in the province, cherish today’s guiding and look at the future of the movement.
    There will also be members of the Trefoil Guild, an adult only group within Girl Guides, who will have a display on the history of the Alberta movement and memorabilia.
    The Guides will also be building time capsules, and Thomas says Lady Baden Powell the cofounder of guiding may even show up.
    The celebrations will be happening in 12 other communities across the province. From its modest beginning, today 14,000 girls in Alberta are a part of the guiding movement.


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