News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1934
Last updateSat, 21 Sep 2024 12pm

School Museum looks to future

SChool museum


Most area attraction operators are catching their breath after a busy summer, and the East Coulee School Museum is also contented with rise in visitorship.

 Barb Steeves, executive director of the East Coulee School Museum said while the Museum does not compile detailed statistics, she says they saw a marked increase of visitorship.

“Revenues were up and attendance was up,” said Steeves, adding there was a positive vibe throughout the valley.

While there was an overall increase, she says at time it was really all over the board. There were long weekends where they felt they were down a bit, while some weekdays were unusually busy.

“We had more tours, through the tour company we have been dealing with from Calgary, and also locally with the trolley. We are open to doing more of that in the future.”

“We are starting to see more groups booking to come and see the place, people are realizing it is something to do.”

It was a big year for the museum as they saw the initial phase of their refurbishing project. On September 21, the crew from TKNT Mechanical out of Rosedale was putting the finishing touches on the boiler system. Now the museum has a reliable heating system.

 Steeves said the next step for the museum is to complete its Heritage assessment. This will give them a snapshot of the condition of the museum. 

“This is to prioritize on what needs to be done; what needs to stay heritage and what needs revitalizing.” She said.

“Next will be the building envelope, the roof and the foundation before we get at the inside.

This is all predicated on raising the needed funds.

“We have some funds for the heritage assessment, but we have to build up some more to get that done. Once we have that, we can apply for heritage grants every year, so we are just starting to look at that. We need to start building up the kitty again.

 To that end, they have a number of events planned, new and old. 

“We are looking at some smaller events with music, and even some theatre productions out here in conjunction with Rosebud and we are looking into doing Christmas at Fanny’s with the Atlas Coal Mine on December 4,” she said. “We have a fundraiser in January where we have hired a really good Celtic band out of Red Deer, so we are pulling that together.”

Man Van in Drumheller tomorrow


The Prostate Cancer Centre Man Van is making a journey back to Drumheller, and this time will also include a stop in Morrin. 

The Man Van, which will give the opportunity for men over the age of 40 to get a simple blood test to check their Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) which can give early detection of Prostate Cancer, will be arriving in the Co-op parking lot tomorrow (Thursday, October 15) as part of Co-op Days. The van will be there from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 

Ken Rabb, Man Van program manager, said the Man Van began in 2009 with a van for just the city of Calgary. In 2012 they expanded the van to include rural areas of Alberta. 

The van came to Drumheller in late June to the Royal Tyrrell Museum parking lot. Rabb said 49 men were tested, both local and those who were visiting the area that day. 

“It was a great turn out. The girls were busy throughout the whole clinic. It was a sunny Saturday in June. We had lots of traffic. We got to test lots of the local community but we were also able to test lots of visitors to Drumheller that were just visiting the museum for the day. It was a great mix of both local and tourist,” Rabb told The Mail

Inter Pipeline is sponsoring the Morrin date which is Monday, October 19 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Morrin Hall. 

Rabb said the Village of Morrin thought it would be a good idea to run the clinic on Election Day to allow for those farmers who would normally come in to vote, to also have the opportunity to get their blood test done for Prostate Cancer. 

“We will be at those two spots and we are really looking forward to it,” Rabb said.

He mentioned, this year the rural van has tested over 2,700 men and the city van has tested over 2,750, adding that just under 24,000 men have been tested since the van started in 2009. 

Prostate Cancer is a disease that is easily treatable, Rabb said, and getting men out and making them aware of the options for testing can catch it early.

“Having the men come out and do the five minute test and learn a little bit more about what Prostate Cancer is and how they can work towards by getting the early detection test. It is all about awareness and hopefully men learn a little bit and why they should be visiting the Man Van and their doctors,” he explained. 

For more information visit

Kloot steps off Half marathon race committee


After six years, Colin Kloot is putting down his clipboard and putting his runners back on, stepping away from the Dinosaur Half Marathon committee.

Kloot and a cadre of running enthusiasts had a vision of bringing a road race to the valley, and they did just that.  They statted with a half marathon, a 10K and a 5K family run. In its fifth anniversary, it added a full marathon. It has cemented itself on the Alberta race schedule as a destination run.

At the Annual wrap-up party for organizers and volunteers, Kloot stepped down off the committee. Race chair and fellow organizer Jens Madsen presented Kloot with a parting gift.

“I really do appreciate this,” said Kloot. “I didn’t expect this kind of accolade. It has been a great six years.” 

In those six years, the race has contributed $85,000 to the Badlands Community Facility. But more importantly, it has made a healthy impact on Drumheller.

“We have also, I believe, made a mark in regard to health and wellness in the valley which is the main objective. It is not just the money, but it was to create an awareness of running, health, wellness and fitness. 

 He said this is evident in the number of people he sees walking, jogging and running.

He is comfortable that he has left the race in good hands, but they could always use more volunteers.

“It is amazing what this small committee creates on race day,” he said. “Next year I hope to be running in the races and hereon into the sunset.”

Another prestigious award was presented a the wrap up night last Wednesday at O’Shea’s, the top water station on the course, an award guarded by Chinook Credit Union. There was a new kid in the winner’s circle as Dinosaur RV Park won. 


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