News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1833
Last updateThu, 19 Sep 2024 5pm

ATB’s Raptor Financial at St.anthony's celebrates first year

Raptor FinancialDragons


    On Thursday, January 28, St. Anthony’s  School Jr. ATB Branch, called Raptor Financial, held a meet and greet day with the four members of the Dragon’s hockey team.
    Drumheller Dragons Connor Duncan, Isaac Schacher, Braeden Salverda and Jacob Schofield were on hand meeting the students and randomly passed out 20 Youth game tickets along with 20 Adult game tickets The Dragon’s  also gave out game tickets for each new account opened.
    Drumheller ATB branch donated $1000.00 toward Raptor Financial who then in turn donated $500 back to the school for math projects. Raptor Financial will use the balance of  $500 for marketing campaigns throughout the year.
    Drumheller ATB Manager, Adrian Hartman along with Sr. Customer Rep. Marina Shaw and Customer Service Rep. Lois Tchir were on hand, as they are every second Thursday, assisting the students making deposit slips and opening new accounts.      
    Raptor Financial’s goal is to reach 30 new accounts this year and when they meet it, the 25 staff (students) of Raptor Financial will earn a day at Laser Tag.

Readers weigh in on dog breed question


    The Drumheller Mail/inSide Drumheller received great response to last week’s poll question addressing dog breeds. By and large it shows people are passionate about their pets.
    The Mail reported in its January 27 edition of Moe Zaleschuk, the Standard Man who was attacked by two pit bulls on December 31. As part of the story, to elicit reader feedback, The Mail’s weekly poll asked whether certain breeds of dogs  should be banned.
    The question gained quite a response online, with many lining up on both sides of the issue, and feedback coming from Canada and the United States. Some commenters expressed displeasure with even broaching the question.
    Locally, many expressed their love and support for their pets with many personal experiences with their dog.
    MyRanda Mahon is one such dog owner.
    “I have a 6-year-old pit bull. She is a big baby! My kids love her! She wouldn’t hurt a fly! They play with her every single day! Rough and gentle! It’s all on how they are raised! I have a baby learning to stand on his own. He holds on to her when he stands - she loves it and stands there! My 3 1/2- year-old loves her and she loves him! They spend every summer out in my backyard playing,” she tells inSide Drumheller.
    Initially the poll saw support for banning certain breeds of dogs, the tables quickly turned with most responses countering that view.
   As of press time, more than 70 per cent of responders expressed that educating owners is key, or that any breed can attack.
   Mahon also believes that any dog can be troublesome.
 “For any dog, it’s  how they are trained! Small dogs are more vicious than big dogs. I have had nothing but big dogs my entire life; German Shepherd, Australian Shepherd, Dogo Argentino and Staffordshire Terrier pit bulls. They are all lap dogs, I have been bit by small dogs and know more people bit by them than large breeds. It is all on how they are trained,” she said.

FOR Club at DVSS staging 24-hour famine for students in Roatan

Fore rachel

    The Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club at DVSS are helping to fill the cups of students in the Roatan, by emptying theirs for 24 hours.
    The club has been involved with The Morgan Jayne Project for a number of years. Members of the DVSS club are participating in a 24-hour famine to support students. Their goal is to raise over $3,000, enough to support at least three youth access to education.
     “We came up with the idea to raise money for The Morgan Jayne Project by doing a 24-hour famine. We did one last year and we are doing another one this year on March 11,” explains FOR president Savanna Richardson. “This year we are raising money to provide school supplies, books, etc., for children in Roatan.”
    She says members of the FOR Club are impressed with the workThe Morgan Jayne Project does, and it is an easy organization to get behind.
    “The Morgan Jayne Project is an amazing cause because they are locally based and do wonderful things in Roatan,” she said.  “All money that is fundraised for The Morgan Jayne Project goes towards school supplies, teachers salaries, baby formula, etc. it’s a fantastic foundation.”
    “Fred Makowecki (one of the founders of The Morgan Jayne Project) is so kind and is very open about what they do with all the money for the children in Roatan. I’m proud to support them and I will continue to support The Morgan Jayne Project for as long as I possibly can!”, she continued.
    Makowecki is grateful for the support.
    “Thank you to these amazing kids for reaching out to help us. With all the negativity in the are kids showing us that the world is a shiny place. The future is better for having these kids in it, thank you so much,” he said.
    Students participating have pledge sheets and will be collecting donations leading up to the event.


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