News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1688
Last updateThu, 19 Sep 2024 5pm

Recycling program needs government action


Trying to keep our carbon footprint minimal has not been an easy task for Tammi Nygaard, Operations Manager of the  Drumheller and District Waste Management Association.

The operation is experiencing issues with plastic recycling. Plastics are sorted into different categories. Categories 1 through 7 are plastics such as fruit containers or margarine tubs. The number 2 category of plastics are sorted separately and are products such as milk jugs and hard plastics. 

There is a market for number 2 plastics, as it is the highest quality of plastic. The issue begins with the 1 through 7 plastics. There is no market for those plastics in western Canada. 

Drumheller and District Solid Waste Management has been shipping their plastic to the United States to be recycled, but at an excessive cost. 

“It costs us 10 dollars a metric tonne to get rid of our plastics. It takes a lot to make a tonne because plastic is very light. There is no substance to it. It is not like  cardboard that has some weight to it. We are having a really hard time trying to find markets closer to home so we don’t have to pay for the transport cost on top of that,” says Nygaard. 

She mentions that the cost of transportation to get the plastic to the United States  outweighs the amount of carbon footprint reduced by recycling.

 “You have to look at how much you are saving economically, financially, and environmentally wise.  We are taking this material, processing it, which means it has to be taken through a baler, which consumes energy, then put it on a truck and transport it hundreds of miles, sometimes even thousands of miles, to get it to where there is a market for it, and then have to pay another 70 to 110 dollars on top of it. It is really hard for us to do that. We have to consider the carbon footprint we are leaving behind to get it all there.”

Nygaard mentions there is a recycling plant in Medicine Hat that produces plastic lumber. Sending the plastic there decreases the charges of transport by being local, but the plant requires the number 2 category of plastics to be mixed in with the plastics being recycled. 

“It must have  the number 2 plastic mixed in with it. But I still have to pay them 40 to 60 dollars a tonne for them to take it and make plastic lumber. I have to sacrifice my good revenue source of number 2 plastic and still have to pay.” 

Nygaard has been researching the best plan to have the plastic recycled with low cost. 

“Ideally, having a local market, even in Saskatchewan, would reduce the cost enough that it wouldn’t be such a loss to us.”

“When I first started this, I thought I was going to change the world. I said ‘it doesn’t matter, we need to recycle everything we can,’ but you have to take into account the carbon footprint, the economics, and  efficiency.”

Because of the lack of market, many recycling programs in Canada have been storing their plastics, trying to wait for a better option. 

Nygaard has been hoping the Government of Alberta will put forward a plan to help with this issue.

“There is a number of plastic recycling companies around the province in the same boat. I am just waiting and hoping that the government is going to come up with a plan or program or even show some initiative. It has been on hold for the last few years by the provincial government.”

“Our provincial government has since been changed, but this stuff is just sitting here, it’s starting to become a fire hazard and decay. The plastic companies won’t accept the plastic if it is starting to decompose, so then we have to put it in a landfill anyway.” 

Nygaard encourages the public to take action toward this cause. 

“Write letters to your MLA and politicians, demanding, requesting, or asking that they come up with a paper and  packaging protocol. If the government says you have to do it, then people will start bringing the business closer. Thousands of these plastics could be recycled but are waiting in storage because it is too much to spend,” urges Nygaard.

Girls Guides find their way home after Swiss challenge

girl guides switzerland

The Drumheller Girl Guides recently returned from a twenty-day stay at the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts chalet in Switzerland and brought back a cultural experience of a lifetime.

Eight guides and two leaders stayed at the World Guiding Centre in Adelboden, Switzerland to take part in the eight day Swiss challenge which included hiking, rock climbing, visiting towns, cultural experiences, games, and campfires.

“It was really good for them, of course with us living in a smaller centre like we do, to go through airports and learn how to use the public transit system over there which varies from trains to trams to trolleys,” said leader Tara McMillan, adding instead of navigating the backwoods, these girls got a modern lesson in wayfinding and urban survival.

“They learned some great skills on finding their way using GPS, and the whole cultural experience seeing buildings hundreds of years old – they got to experience things they would never experience here.”

They stayed in a chalet provided by the international Guides organization, one of five throughout the world, and met with club members from all over the world, including Mexico and New Zealand.

“It was nice to see how guiding was different depending on what part of the world you come from,” said McMillan. 

While they were visiting they hiked 20 miles up a mountain, rappelled down a cave, swam in a glacial lake, and zip-lined.

The troop will be holding an open house sometime in September at the Knox United to present on their experience in Switzerland.

Concern for coal communities

borek crop

A group of elected officials from South Central Alberta came together to discuss the future of  the coal industry in rural communities.

Cody Borek organized the meeting that includes federal, provincial and municipal representation. They met in Stettler on July 19.

“The way it started was that (Robin Campbell) the president of the Coal Association of Canada had a meeting in Castor that I went to. It hit home because I live in Castor and  see how much it is affecting our area. With Castor being central to Forestburg and Hanna, where there are the Sheerness and the Paint Earth mines, which are supposed to be phased out, I know a lot of people who are going to be losing their jobs,” said Borek. “It is really hitting our communities hard, because not only are those people going to be losing their jobs and move, all of their incomes are going to leave the community.”

He said there were presentations from Campbell of the Coal Association of Canada as well as Todd Beasley, founder of CCR Technologies.

“He’s the one who brought technology to Saskatchewan where their mines emission levels are well below Natural Gas,” he said. “If there is an option where we can continue to operate the coal plans and have zero emission, which is what this whole Climate Leadership Plan is about.”

He said the carbon could recovered from the process and could become a salable by-product.

Minister of Municipal Affairs Deron Bilous was not able to attend, but did send a letter. It stated that later this summer there will be a series of meetings  to listen to workers and community leaders to discuss the best kind of supports to make the transition easier.

Further, it states that Terry Boston will be working with the Alberta Electric Systems Operator and Coal based generating companies for an orderly transition for the industry, including assessing opportunities for non coal based generation at some facilities. 

Borek sees the importance of collaboration, and they are looking at further meetings. 

“I am friends with mayors in the area, and I realized there is not very much communication between them. I think with an issue of this importance, people need to work together to see what solutions we can come up with because these two mines employ people from so many different communities. To have these leave, how will we keep the people in the area employed?” 


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