News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1274
Last updateSat, 21 Sep 2024 12pm

To the residents of Starland County


As you are probably aware a fire in the Starland County Administration Office early Friday morning, May 25, has resulted in what is expected to be a total loss of

the building.
First of all, we want to thank all of the responders who arrived at the scene to give aid and support to all of the fire departments from Starland County and Drumheller, who fought so valiantly to save the building. Your efforts show us once again, how important it is to be a part of such a giving community.
We used Starland County equipment to bring down portions of the building that contained hotspots, and are now awaiting fire investigators, and our own insurance provider to complete their investigations.
It important for our residents to know that Starland staff at all levels are working to restore and maintain County operations as quickly as possible. We are currently looking at several options for temporary and suitable office space for administration staff, and thanks to all who have offered solutions. We have also received confirmation from our information technology providers that they are able to restore service within a few days of finding the proper office space.

All cell phone numbers for all staff are still in effect. The only number NOT in service is the main number you have always used. (403 772-3793). A new county number will be provided as soon as it becomes available.
All emergency numbers appearing on the website are still in effect.
Some financial transactions may be interrupted during the course of the transition and we ask for your patience.
Normal water utility services are continuing uninterrupted.
Telephone numbers at the Starland Public Works Offices are working and our staff will answer any questions residents may have.
Please use cell phone numbers until further notice.

Thank you to all for the assistance you have provided in any form.
Reeve and Council
Administration and Staff
Starland County

Starland moving forward in wake of County office fire

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Starland County CAO, Shirley Bremer, says County staff will meet this afternoon to discuss moving forward following a fire that has destroyed the County’s office this morning.
Bremer was awakened up by a call from the fire department and when she arrived on scene, saw smoke billowing from the building. Firefighters are still actively engaged in battling the blaze in Morrin, which has a spread all the way through the roof.
She said along with area fire departments, the County has engaged its tanker trucks and equipment. As well, private trucks are helping to bring water. The local Hutterite colonies are also pitching in. She said Morrin’s water supply is running low and asks residents to conserve water today.
“For the County residents, we are going to regroup this afternoon and try to get a plan going on how we will proceed from this. Of course, none of us have ever been involved in a situation like this, but we are going to regroup,” she told The Mail Friday morning.
She adds that crucial records are safe and backed up on a secure cloud server. On a lighter note, she says tax notice might be a little late.
Bremer has been with the County for 35 years.
“It is awful, I am very proud of the place I work and this is really tough, and I know it is on other people too. We will pull together as a group and we’ll figure it out,” she said.

Firefighters battle Starland office fire

starland fire

Update: The Morrin, Munson, Rumsey and Drumheller Fire Departments are actively battling a blaze at the Starland County Office this morning, Friday, May 25.

The fire was called in at about 4:30 a.m.

Starland Reeve and Munson Fire Chief, Steve Wannstrom, says firefighters are still actively fighting the fire. About half of the building is damaged by fire while the rest has extensive smoke damage. Reports are that the backside of the building has caved in.

EMS and RCMP are on standby monitoring the situation.

There is no indication of the cause of the fire at this time.



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