News | DrumhellerMail - Page #876
Last updateThu, 03 Oct 2024 12pm

Keeping active during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Despite the COVID-19 pandemic concerns, instructors at the Badlands Community Facility are offering their services to keep Drumheller residents fit.
    The Alberta Chief Medical health officer Deena Hinshaw continues to reinforce her plea for Albertans to stay at home as much as possible. With such an order, it is easy to fall into a fitness rut, especially if you are a person who regularly used gyms or town recreational facilities, which have been closed.
 Recreation Art and Culture manager Darren Goldthorpe, tells the Mail a number of the contracted instructors at the BCF are continuing their support to their clients online.
    “These instructors are passionate about what they do and want to continue to do something for their community, and people’s health and wellness are important,” said Goldthorpe. “They have done this on their own.”
    Heather Jones is keeping up with her “Keeping up Fitness” program. She is an Alberta Fitness Leadership Certification Association (AFLCA) certified instructor who typically offers boot camp style workout programs.
    “She has her Facebook page and she has classes and she is doing classes and tips and techniques all through her Facebook page,” said Goldthorpe. “That one is open to anyone, and they can search Keeping up Fitness.”
    Jenn Wright, who operates Bend with Jenn Yoga is continuing to offer her expertise to the community through her Facebook, including live classes.
    Amber McLachlan Leavitt, who operates Body By Amber Fitness continues to be active even in light of COVID-19. She has started a Facebook page offering tips and work out suggestions as well as a blog with more information.
    Goldthorpe says it is important to stay active, even during this time.
    “People should take advantage of separating themselves from all the social media and all the news and looking after themselves is important for their health and wellness and their mental health,” he said. ‘We also want to make sure they are practicing good social distancing.”
    He also stresses people be safe in their physical activity. COVID-19 has the potential to overwhelm the healthcare system and injuries from starting a new exercise program can be risky. Even icy sidewalks can cause a preventable visit to the doctor.
    Goldthorpe also points out the importance of creating a schedule. During self-isolation, it is easy to lose track of time. By setting aside time for exercise can help.
    “If you can do things to create habits if that means setting aside a time specifically to exercise, or simply go for a walk. If that is what it takes to commit to it that is important,” he said.
    “Someday soon hopefully we’ll be back and welcoming everybody back into our programs and facilities. Until then we all have to be safe and do our part, and stay home when we need to.”

Dear COVID-19:

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    Our girls had mini-meltdowns this week because they miss school and believe COVID-19 has ruined their lives. As much as we try to remind them how fortunate they are, they believe quite vehemently they now reside in the depths of despair. Therefore, we try to transform their tears with the lesson that every single incident in life can be handled with humour, intelligence, respect and a little music. We read funny stories, watch family videos, have living room dance parties. But sometimes, you just need to let it out. Therefore, we asked them to write their frustrations out on paper and send them to COVID-19:  Typos included.

Dear COVID-19.
We hate you. Because we can’t go anywhere and we miss school and our friends.
We love being home but we don’t get any parties like at Greentree. We love our school.
Covid is the worst thing in the entire world. Covid is so bad. Do not go out of your house. We can go in our backyard but it is not the same! We can’t go to the park or get a Slurpee or see a movie or go on a plane or go to restaurants. What if covid stays long and our Elf on the shelf can’t come back because she might spread Covid?
We want the Covid-19 to go away forever.
We have to make sure we wash our hands all the time after and before we eat, play outside, touch things, things that might have germs. We touch our faces and feel bad.
If you miss going places, we don’t blame you. We want to do lots more things. Like actually see people and not on our phones. We never thought we would say this, but we are sick of phones. We don’t want to text. We want to see our friends and dance and play tag. Our Mom was going to go on a fun trip for her Birthday. But she can’t now. My brother doesn't get his big Birthday party either. We hope you go away very very very very very soon.
When you are gone, we will run outside and get ready for school the next day with excitment.  
We will go swimming with our club and dance with our Shrek class like everyone is watching. Because we don’t care about dancing like nobody is watching anymore. That feels lonely. We will hug our friends and never watch tv again. Well as often.
We hate you Covid. Lalina and Suvera Ram

Dear COVID-19 is a weekly column supplied by
Drs. Rithesh and Veronique Ram

Town cancels events, programs until June 30

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As part of our ongoing efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, The Town of Drumheller is cancelling all events and programs until June 30th.
All indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, bookings and programs will be suspended as the number of cases in Alberta and nationwide continue to rise.
“We are following what our neighbouring cities like Calgary and Red Deer are doing in support of planking the curve in Alberta,” states Mayor Colberg. “We know you want to enjoy our amazing landscapes and facilities, but please stay home and stay healthy. We will reopen when it’s appropriate.”
This ban includes events hosted by the Town of Drumheller as well as existing event permit applications that were scheduled to occur prior to June 30th. All events such as festivals, conferences, weddings, banquets, cultural programs, graduation ceremonies, and downtown plaza events have been cancelled.
The Director Emergency Management Darwin Durnie, explains “our decision is based on recommendations from the medical community who have been following the global pandemic. They indicate we may require up to 12 weeks of social distancing to be effective in protecting our community. We know these announcements have impacts on everyone and we thank the community for their patience as we respond to COVID-19 in a careful, compassionate and caring manner. We will take every action possible to limit the potential exposure to COVID-19.”
The Town of Drumheller will contact event organizers to arrange refunds.


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