One new Apple iPad, a solely touch-controlled computer, will be given to a reader who has completed three simple steps: signed up for our email newsletter at www.drumhellermail.com, followed us on social network site Twitter (twitter.com/drumhellermail), and has “liked” our Facebook community page (facebook.com/drumhellermail).
Contestants will then send an email to us at news@drumhellermail.com containing the email address registered to our newsletter, their Twitter username, and their name as it appears on Facebook. Contestants will also be asked to provide a phone number so the winner can be contacted.
Anyone who completes our criteria will be entered into a draw where the winner will be randomly selected.
The contest opens on Thursday, July 1 and runs until Friday, August 27, when the winner will be contacted and given a new 16 GB wi-fi Apple iPad.
Apple’s iPad is a revolutionary new product that may change the way people view the internet, get their daily news, and keep in touch with friends anywhere.
The lightweight yet powerful media tool allows users to do nearly anything on the web with the touch of a button, and just like its little brother iPhone, is a haven for unique and innovative applications.
To get started, follow us online at drumhellermail.com, Twitter and Facebook, and watch these feeds for upcoming details on this exciting contest.