Council approves new utility rate | DrumhellerMail

Council approves new utility rate



The Town of Drumheller has approved the new utility rates for 2010.
    In 2009 the rates were adjusted to reflect full cost recovery for the Town Utility Services and the 2010 utility rate follows that strategy.
    The new rate will see a small increase of 4 cents a cubic meter for all dwelling units and a 22.6 cent per cubic meter increase on the wastewater rate. The wastewater rider rate has remained unchanged. This rider will be eliminated once the 2008 revenue shortfall has been recovered.
    One of the key changes to the water rate is the fixed monthly charge. Currently residences are charged a fixed $10.00 per month rate for water and $10.00 per month for sewer as well as usage rates. Previously, apartment buildings or manufactured home parks were charged a single fee for the entire building or site.
    Under the new bylaw each dwelling unit in an apartment complex and manufactured home park will be charged the fixed rate and usage rate.
    The changes to the fixed rate will not apply to “Institutional” premises such as schools, hospital, nursing homes or seniors lodges, or secondary suites.
    A new option that will be made available to the residents of Drumheller will be the “Equal Payment Plan (EPP)” Residents will have the option to join the Equal Payment Plan where they pay a budget amount each month, with the customer’s account being reconciled once a year. This will allow the residents to better budget for the payment of their utility account. Watch for further details of the Equal Payment Plan in the coming months.

