Students at Delia School raise funds for Europe trip | DrumhellerMail

Students at Delia School raise funds for Europe trip


    Students at Delia School have been working hard to raise funds for their exchange trip to Europe.
    The trip is set for April 2011 with 19 high school students already registered. The cost for each student is $3,700 which through fundraising , teachers are hoping to cover up to $2,000 for each student.
“Our community has offered fabulous support and the students are very energized about the trip. We will continue to look for new ways to raise funds and hope to see more students register for the trip,” said Carmen Spritzer of Delia School.
    One of their first fundraisers was the bottle drive that raised $3,737. Students and teachers are coming up with fund raising ideas hoping to find some that haven’t been done before.
    Some of the fundraisers being used throughout the year are Moms Pantry, Spring bank Cheese and a Christmas event.
    Parents of students registered for the trip volunteered to work the “Delia Rocks” event on October 17.