Canadian Badlands is to receive more than $6,000,000 through a federal government investment to create jobs in Rural Alberta.
The government announced it would be investing $7,262,733 in four separate projects in rural Alberta to strengthen economic opportunities in Alberta. The bulk of the funds will go towards the Canadian Badlands.
The Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of the Environment, and the
Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Labour, on behalf of the Honourable Lynne Yelich, Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification made the announcement.
“Our Government, through the Community Adjustment Fund, is investing in western Canadian communities to stimulate economic activity and reduce the impacts of the global recession,” said Minister Prentice. “The projects announced today will contribute towards creating new sources for long-term economic growth and help ensure these communities remain healthy and vibrant places.”
According to a release, Canadian Badlands is collaborating with member organizations and municipalities to carry out projects under the Canadian Badlands Community Initiative for Employment. The projects will utilize funding to improve tourism facilities and amenities in communities throughout the Canadian Badlands, as well as provide temporary and permanent employment opportunities to local residents.
“This funding will allow our single industry communities in rural Southern Alberta, in the Canadian Badlands Region, to remain vibrant by continuing to provide employment locally,” said Cindy Amos, executive director of Canadian Badlands Ltd. “We are grateful to the Canadian Government for this opportunity to enhance our tourism infrastructure throughout the communities that have been hardest hit by the economic downturn.”
Other projects to receive funding include the Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation’s Water, Wings and Wetlands project, which received $875,000, the Crowsnest Pass Discovery Centre Project Implementation Plan, which received $75,000 and the Town of Ponoka’s Community Activity Centre which received $87,100.
“I’m pleased to announce our Government’s support for four projects in Alberta,” said Minister Ambrose. “Investments through Canada’s Economic Action Plan are protecting and creating jobs, building stronger communities, and laying the foundations for our future prosperity.”
According to a release, the Community Adjustment Fund commits $306 million over two years to support Western Canada communities most affected by the economic downturn. These are industries that are heavily reliant on resource-based industries, such as forestry, mining, agriculture and fisheries, and communities that depend on the manufacturing industry. Western Diversification delivers the funds in the western provinces.