Phase 2 of Gordon Taylor Bridge work set for April start | DrumhellerMail

Phase 2 of Gordon Taylor Bridge work set for April start

IMG 2730

Rehab work on the Gordon Taylor Bridge is anticipated to resume in April 2025.
Alberta Transportation began the two-year project on the bridge to widen the clear bridge and modify existing roadways and connecting paths in May 2024, wrapping up the first phase of work in December 2024–a few months behind the originally estimated fall timeline.
“The project this year includes installation of new deck joints and concrete overlay on the west side of the bridge,” shares Wayne Wood of Alberta Transportation. “Traffic barriers on the bridge will also be replaced this summer, along with sidewalk repairs and resurfacing.”
Additional work to the east side of the bridge will also be completed.
Similar to the first phase of the project, motorists will be restricted to a single lane of alternating traffic across the bridge deck, which will be controlled by signal lights at the north and south end of the bridge.
At this time, Mr. Wood shares construction is anticipated to be complete by October 2025.
Despite delays during the first phase of construction, Mr. Wood says the project is currently on budget of $10.1 million.