Town repairs over two kilometres of sidewalks | DrumhellerMail

Town repairs over two kilometres of sidewalks

R2T paving Page 1

Town of Drumheller’s Street Improvement Program (SIP) targeted more than just roadways this year, with more than two kilometres of sidewalk repairs were also included as part of this program.
Along with repairs to existing sidewalks, crews also completed repairs on three wheelchair ramps and paving sections of the new Rails to Trails pathway network between Highway 56 and 5 Street East.
Sidewalks and curbs were installed along Highway 9 at Highway 56 and at the intersection of 5 Street East and Highway 9 where the former railway crossed the highway; this was done due to safety reasons.
In total about 2.72 kilometres of sidewalk was repaired as part of the SIP, including a stretch of sidewalk along Riverside Drive East near Veterans Way, along 11 Street SE between South Railway Avenue and 7 Avenue East in Newcastle, as well as areas in Rosedale along Centre Street and 1 Avenue North.
A total of $397,811 was budgeted for sidewalk repairs and rehabilitation, and this came in under budget by approximately $200,000.