Council approves 2025 season paid parking | DrumhellerMail

Council approves 2025 season paid parking

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On Monday, November 18, administration brought a Request for Decision before Mayor and Council at the Regular Council Meeting to implement a seasonal paid parking program to designated parking areas in the Drumheller Valley, with some changes to the pilot program administered in 2024.
The Paid Parking Program was approved with a few changes.
The Town of Drumheller implemented a paid parking trial phase from May 1 to October 31, 2024, utilizing Hotspot Parking technology. This program aimed to reasonably recoup some expenses from hosting hundreds of thousands of tourists annually. Hotspot Parking Technology offers flexible hourly parking fees, requires minimal infrastructure, and allows hassle-free exemption permits.
During the trial phase, the program generated a gross revenue of $118,696.02, resulting in net earnings of $72,654.42 after expenses. The success of the paid parking initiative has established it as a valuable revenue stream for the Town. By continuing to utilize this program, the Town can help alleviate potential financial burdens on taxpayers while promoting long-term fiscal sustainability.
Stakeholders, residents, and visitors were involved in providing feedback to ensure concerns were understood and considered when alternative recommendations regarding paid parking were presented.
Administration recommended the following, with Council’s support:
The Hotspot paid parking program should operate seasonally from May 1 to October 31 each year, while maintaining year-round availability for payment options.
Town facilities should offer physical parking permits as an additional payment choice for visitors.
Residents and out-of-town recreation members should be exempt from paid parking regulations.
Resident-only designations should be implemented on residential streets that experience overflow from areas with paid parking, with no exemptions granted on these streets.
Seasonal staff should be hired to manage the program effectively during peak tourism periods.
Include the former curling rink location as a paid parking lot.
Additional signage.
Wireless cell booster at low reception areas.
Leave downtown streets as unregulated.
Increase the hourly rate from $2.00 to $2.50.

The changes to the paid parking program will be implemented in 2025 and onward