Teens given chance to name library section | DrumhellerMail

Teens given chance to name library section


Cenovus is giving a teen a chance to name the new young adult section at the new Drumheller Public Library, and sweetening the pot with some cool gadgetry.


Cenovus has purchased the naming right to the library section and are now holding a contest for a young reader to name the section.

Director of library services Melissa D’Onofrio-Jones said the contest runs through the month of March. Entry forms have been provided to the schools, or young people can enter online.

The process is simple, young people aged 12-18 are eligible. The names will be judged on how creative, welcoming and exciting the name is, and they must reside in Drumheller, Kneehill or Starland county.

The winner’s entry will be used for the signage on the new section. They will also receive an iPad 2, a free library membership and Cenovus Energy will make a donation of $250 in the winner’s name to a charity of their choice. 

The runner up will receive a Kobo e-reader as well as a free library card and the $250 donation in their name.

D’Onofrio-Jones is excited about the new section. She says the new section will have more shelving and they are hoping to include a computer in the area. The arrangement of the shelves will create a sort of alcove creating a separate space with furniture.

 She hopes the contest will generate some interest by young people to check out the space and even check out some books. They have been maintaining a stock of books and media that appeal to the age bracket, including graphic novels. With access to the Marigold System they have access to a broad collection. Library members also have access to digital copies of works.

“Public libraries often see a decline in that age group, which is really unfortunate, so we are hoping this contest will encourage teens to come into the library and see what we have to offer, even if its research for a project and not enjoyment reading. If they need information for school, we can help them with online databases and enhanceed resources,” said D’Onofrio-Jones. “There is a wealth of information and we want to make sure they know it is available.”

The contest closes March 31. Go to www.drumhellerlibrary.ca.