Volunteers | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm
  • Adopt-a-Plant is back!

    20170612 Hanna District 4 H 100 TJH 0039

    In order to create a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing Drumheller, D.A.R.T.S, the Town of Drumheller, The Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce (DDCC), and local businesses and volunteers have banded together to achieve this goal.

    Dave Carter, the main volunteer who rallied everyone together, noticed the planters in the downtown core and by the World’s Largest Dinosaur were not being kept up so he asked to see if he could extend a hand.

    “I talked to the Town and the Chamber ,” said Carter. “They saw no reason we couldn’t do it and then I approached D.A.R.T.S. as part of their annual flower fundraising program.” 

    15 planters are currently available and as the program grows, more will turn up.

    “So thats our future as we move forward – we want to slowly expand throughout the valley,” said Carter. 

    Carter is thrilled with how the program is moving forward and adds great benefits to the community.

    “I think it’s a message to all in Drumheller. It shows that the community really cares and that we take pride in our community to make it look beautiful,” said Carter. 

    The contribution to adopting one of the plants covers the cost of the flowers and the fertilizer for the entire summer. No participants need to take care of the plants making it ‘the easiest gardening you’ll ever do.’

    If interested in getting involved, email Carter at prehistoricboy@telus.net or call 403-874-5361.

    “If you want to be apart of it, you can be apart of it,” said Carter.



  • Senator honours local volunteer spirit

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    Two Drumheller women have been honoured for their service to the community.

    During National Volunteer Week this year, Alberta Senator Doug Black introduced the Senator’s Contribution Award. This is an award that was given to two nominated people from every city, town, and village in Alberta recognizing their volunteer contributions.

    “It is important to recognize those who make quiet contributions to our communities and I wanted to use my position as an elected-Senator to work with each of Alberta’s communities to find exceptional individuals,” said Senator Doug Black.

    Fran Nargang was surprised when her award showed up in her mail box. She has no idea who nominated her for the award.
    It’s not hard however to recognize the work that Nargang has done for the community. For the last 11 years, she has hosted the 24 Hour Jam in the first week of June to support STARS Air Ambulance. In the history of the event, they have raised thousands of dollars.

    She also dedicated events to other needs in the community including those who suffer from MS. In 2013, during the widespread flooding, she held a fundraiser to support a family that lost their business in High River.

    Donna Thomas was also surprised when the award showed up .“It was beyond my knowledge, I was just flabbergasted,” Thomas told the Mail.

    She had to Google the award to learn more about it.

    She also has a long record of volunteerism. She has done everything from coaching and managing minor hockey to door to door canvassing. Where she has really left her mark is Girl Guides. For 34 years she has been involved in the program and today still leads the Sparks.

    “It is very rewarding, the lives you touch. And then you see the girls advance or move, and you think ‘I was part of her life,’” she said. “I thrive on that.”

    She is humble in her acceptance.

    “I don’t do these things for the recognition. I do them because I want to do them,” said Thomas, adding that this is what builds a community.

    “If I choose to do it, then I will put my heart into it.”

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