Chevrolet | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm
  • Western GM fundraises for Green Tree Playground Expansion

    20170526 Western GM Fundraiser TJH 003

    With a maximum of $10,000, Western GM plans to exceed last year’s total of $8,700 for St. Anthony’s School by having members of the community participate and test-drive a new Buick.

    Each test ride and sign-up sheet donates $20 to the cause. The track is from Rosedale and back to the location you started from. Friday, May 26, the dealership is located at the DVSS parking lot near the west side entrance from noon until 9:00 p.m. this evening.

    Saturday, the vehicles are back at the dealership for another spin from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.A car wash is going to be set up with hot dogs as well as any cash donations for the Drumheller Football Association.There is no obligation to buy a vehicle as the event is strictly for fundraising purposes.

  • Greentree School recieves $8,740.00 for Playground Extension

    Chevrolet presents cheque to Greentree school towards their new playground extension meant to create accessibility for every student

    Western GM staff Murray Sutcliffe, Doug Lubinski, Brad LeDrew, and Greentree School Principal Erin Campbell-Bentley monkey around on the current Greentree School playground while presenting a $8,740.00 cheque towards the school’s new accessible playground extension on June 20, 2017. (Mailphoto by Terri Huxley)

    The new extension will the first of its kind in the valley and gives everyone a chance to be on the same playing field.
        “It’s just great to support the community like this,” said Brad LeDrew, General Sales Manager at Western GM. “Greentree is just a fantastic school and this playground is just amazing and they’ve done just a great job so we’re just excited to be apart of that.”
        With this cheque, the school is only $20,000 away from their goal amount.

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