Feature | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm
  • Drumheller Halloween a success

    Witches, dragons, superheroes, butterflies, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and more filled the halls of Greentree School for the traditional Halloween parade on October 31.
    Grade six students were the first to start the parade. They would walk around the next grades classroom before moving to the next.
    The class that was waiting would file behind the other class to continue the parade. When all the classrooms were reached, they would head to the gym where excited parents took pictures.
    Later in the day, Downtown Drumheller was flooded with more impressive costumes. Business owners and staff waited out in the cold or in the front entrance of their buildings and handed out numerous amounts of candy.
    The Pioneer Trail Seniors Centre said they have seen a year as high as 900 children due to perfect weather conditions.
    The overall temperature for the day was resting around 2 degrees celsius with a skiff of snow which immediately melted. By the end of the day, the snow had turned to rain.
    mailphotos by Terri Huxley

    20171031 Halloween Parade TJH 0020

    Sully Farmer, 1, was dressed as a dragon for Halloween. As everyone waited for the costume covered kids to arrive, Farmer would occasionally move around and retrieve his ball before throwing it again, enjoying every minute of it.

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    Mr. Robert Rowland led his grade one class around the gym during the parade.

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    Many were excited to take photos of the variety of costumes the students had to offer. The three blind mice were even in attendance.

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    Students waved to happy parents during their single-file parade.

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    Kayla Clark takes a photo of one of the classes on the stage. She was dressed up as a mounted Giraffe.

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    Vanessa Pitre began her Halloween in Downtown as a Penguin.

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    20171031 Downtown Halloween TJH 0176

    Larry-Lo Morton of the Pioneer Trail Seniors Centre dressed up and asked children to toss a ball into a bucket to win some candy. The entire centre was dedicated to Halloween with a ball toss, a fishing game, and more.

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    (l-r) Chad Stern, left, and Clint Keller stood outside handing out candy. They had mounted a skeleton dinosaur to the back of their truck to get into the Halloween spirit.

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    The Hatt family dressed up with a Star Wars theme in mind.
    Pictured above: Geoff Hatt; Janelle Hatt; Brody Hatt; Devin Hatt.

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    Beckett Norman gets handed a piece of candy from Century 21 staff.

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    Beckam Jensen was elated to hand out candy. Here he is showing off some of the loot before giving it away to another trick-or-treater.

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    Emily Lowry was monkeying around for Halloween and helped hand out candy.

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    Mike and Carol Tudor dressed up as ‘Sick and Tired’. They stood outside Third Avenue Arts to hand out candy.

  • Halloween on Sesame Street

    20171025 Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Mailphoto by Terri Huxley

    The Drumheller Health Centre is holding a pumpkin carving contest for the public and staff to vote in two categories. The first is for ‘Best Overall Pumpkin’ and the second is for the ‘Most Creative’. Two well-known characters of Sesame Street were present as well as a cat, Peter Pan, a pumpkin carriage, and a large nurse with an IV and a small ‘patient’. (mailphotos by Terri Huxley)

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    20171025 Pumpkin Decorating Contest TJH 0015

    20171025 Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Mailphoto by Terri Huxley

    20171025 Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Mailphoto by Terri Huxley

    20171025 Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Mailphoto by Terri Huxley

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