Last Chance Saloon | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm
  • Celebrate the weekend at Waynestock


    The folks down in Wayne know how to cap off the summer in style with a whole lot of music and lots of fun at Waynestock.

    This is the third year that the Last Chance Saloon has hosted the long weekend of music. Brittany Zlatnik of the Last Chance Saloon says in previous years another group hosted WayneFest, and where it left off, the Last Chance Saloon took over.

    “We thought we would bring it back because it was an awesome event,” said Zlatnik. “It’s a nice thing because we have all these artists coming up here throughout the year, we want to show our appreciation to them with this show.”

    This year they have 37 bands coming out. Zlatnik explains that The Last Chance Saloon has been a big supporter of Canadian music for years and the lineup reflects that.

    “They are all more or less regulars that come to our bar, like Tim Hus, Joe Vickers, they are always around here, and Coots and the Hoots, we have a close relationship with them even though they are not from here,” she said.

    She adds it is a good opportunity for the artist to mix.

    “It is super nice for everybody to get to know each other, especially the young artists who are trying to make it, they can have the experience of seeing other artists.

    The event gets going on Friday, September 1 with local act Denny Eddy. There are three stages with revolving musicians until Sunday night. It includes everything from the blues and rock to bluegrass and country. On Monday, there is a free amateur talent show.

    There is a free shuttle running throughout the weekend with stops in Wayne, Rosedale and Canadian Tire in Drumheller.

    For tickets go to

  • Motorcycle Madness rumbles into the valley

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    The valley will be rumbling to the sweet sound of shovelheads, knuckleheads, and v-rods as Motorcycle Madness rolls into Wayne again this weekend.
    The annual motorcycle Poker Run and Show and Shine will be raising funds for the Greentree School and St. Anthony’s School breakfast programs.
    It all kicks off Friday night, July 7 at 5 p.m. with a meet and steak ride.
    On Saturday, July 8, the Last Chance Saloon will be hosting breakfast at 9 a.m. before the Show and Shine begins with registration starting at 10 a.m.
    The Last Chance Saloon is in the historic community of Wayne. Just follow the 11 bridges down Highway 10X.
    After the Show and Shine, stick around for biker games that could include everything from the ring joust to the slow ride.
    The Poker Run starts at 12:30 p.m., where riders will travel to different stops around the valley to pick up a card to make a hand. Supper begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Last Chance, with entertainment to follow.

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