FOR SALE... 10'x10 Storage shed, (new $1600), asking $1000. Utilitiy trailer 7'x10' - $400. Ask for Dave at 403-820-4100. 44p45
FOR SALE... Beautiful 7’ artificial Christmas tree - very dense. Comes with stand - good condition. $50. Ph. 403-823-6474. 45p
Help for seniors… Light housekeeping, meal preparation, respite help for caregivers and personal companions for Continuing Care residents - all available. Reasonable hourly rates with bondable insured staff. Call HELPING HANDS 403-364-2476. 2tfc
Flooring installer available. Call 403-823-2233 25tfc
Journeyman painter. Interior, exterior. Free estimates call Dwayne's Contracting at 403-820-0963. 43p46
THE BROAD SQUAD... The cleaning team with a broad array of services to meet your needs and wants. For info and free estimates, call 403-823-8510. 44c47
FIREWOOD... Firewood for sale starting at $50/cord. Dry pine, spruce, poplar and birch. Large or small volumes. Delivery available. Phone: 1-780-723-8100. 41p13
FIREWOOD FOR SALE... Dry split, Pine or Spruce. 1/2 cord or full cord. Delivery available. Phone 403-823-7948 or 403-823-1961. 44c17
FOR SALE... 1987 Honda Accord. Power windows, locks and sunroof. Has a safety inspection. Only $900. Call 403-436-0677. 41c42
FOR SALE... 1997 Grand Am. New muffler, windshield, tires good. 276,000 km, mostly highway. Great on gas. Asking $3000 obo. Call 403-823-2428, leave a message. 44p46
FOR SALE... 2006 Chevrolet 4-door Cobalt car. Black, low kms. One owner. Asking $11,999.00. Phone: 403-364-2610 or 403-820-8020. 45p46
FOR SALE... 2002 Grand Cherokee Laredo 4WD 4 door white, fully loaded, 2 new tires, 128,000 kms. Good condition - one owner - $9,000 obo. Phone: 403-823-9587. 44c47
FOR SALE... 2007 Chev 4x4 reg cab longbox. Only 44,000 km. Air, tilt, cruise, AM/FM, CD. Warranty to 150,000 km. Just serviced, new windshield and good rubber. $18,775 + GST. 403-823-0366
FOR SALE... 2004 Chevy Trailblazer LS. 4 wheel drive, new tires, regular maintenance, great winter vehicle! Loaded, (minus leather). 170,000 kms. Call Travis 403-820-2754. Asking $10,500 obo. 45p47
FOR SALE... 4 Michelin tires, LTX P235X65R17 1035 ms, tubeless. 403-364-2076. 45p46
MID-CITY Property Management. Check out our website, www.mid-cityproperty.com or email: midcity@telus.net. Call us at 403-823-7877 and we will set a program to meet your management needs. 7tfc
FOR RENT... Main floor executive rental in Riverview area. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, (master ensuite has one person jetted tub, pedestal sink, and stand up shower). Hardwood and tile througout the area. Beautiful gas fireplace in living room with granite mantle hearth. A/C. Kitchen includes garburator, dishwasher, self cleaning ceramic top stove/oven, and matching fridge, built-in icemaker, punch code locks, and more. Energy efficient home. Includes use of barbecue, propane patio heater, new front load washer/dryer, small storage shed and more. Smoking outside only. Included in rental; central vacuum, light cleaning/dusting once a month or so, microwave, coffee maker, couch, tv, barstools, dresser, operating a mosquito magnet in summer, basic cooking utensils, Landscaping in Summer / Snow removal in Winter and more. $1180.00 per month, (or $1050/mo. on long-term lease), plus DD. Call 403-324-2222 for more info. Showings on Thursday nights by appointment. 42nc44
FOR RENT... In Dec. 2 & 3 bedroom townhouses in Carbon. 1000 sq. ft. & 1100 sq. ft. for $625 & $725/mo. respectively. Phone Rob 403-615-5296. 43p46
FOR RENT... 2 bedroom 4-plex unit. 403-252-5488. 44p47
FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. $650/mo, $650 DD. Call 403-714-5123. 45p
FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house. Laundry on main floor. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. $800/mo + utilities. $800 D/D. Phone: 403-823-2982. 44p46
FOR RENT... Partially furnished newer 3 bedroom home. Large fenced yard, laundry, fireplace. $800 per month + utilities. DD required. 403-823-8939 - leave message. 45p46
FOR RENT... 3 bedroom house in Drumheller. $850/month plus utilities. References required. Call 403-645-2415 or 403-241-7834 for more information. 45p46
Hunts Place Apartments (Corner of Hunts Dr. & 2nd St. East) Quiet,adult oriented. Garden patios or large balconies Fridge, stove, drapesLaundry facilities Security door & intercom No pets No smoking Phone (403) 823-2823
FOR RENT... Newly renovated downtown rental for single bachelor. $490 per month includes satellite and TV. Call 403-823-2222 to view (leave msg). 43nctfc
FOR RENT... Two bedroom apartment in adult building. Available Nov. 1. 403-823-6122. 44p45
FOR RENT... The Haven has a room with private bath, shared kitchen, furnished, cable TV, wireless internet, laundry, at $595/mth, upstairs of Everybody’s Gym. Call 403-823-6501. 41tfc
FOR RENT... $500 DD + $500 per month, utilities included. Full house priviledges. Non drinker only. Phone: 403-823-5867. 42p45
FOR RENT... Close to downtown. Rooms for rent. Cable & utilities included. Shared bath. 403-823-6700. 42c45
FOR RENT... Fully furnished room. Utilities included. Phone: 403-823-4043. 44p45
FOR RENT... Furnished room - share a clean, modern house for the price of a room. Long or short term. 403-823-2222. 44nctfc
FOR RENT... Attention oilfield workers. New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone: 403-823-6844. 44c46
FOR RENT... 1200 sq. ft. house. no smoking, no pets. $400/mo includes utilities. No DD. 403-443-1471 or 403-823-9555. 45p48
FOR RENT... Community Centre in Carbon. Air conditioned, full kitchen facilities, totally renovated interior. Seats 300 for a banquet. Call 403-572-3267 to rent. 34c49
RV AND BOAT storage. $25/mo. Rosedale. 403-823-8433. 43p45
INDIVIDUAL OFFICES... Individual offices for rent, $450 per month, includes light secretarial duties, high speed internet, furniture, etc. Call Bob or Gary at Century 21 for more details. 403-823-2121. 29nctfc
FOR LEASE... Commercial property. 3250 Sq. ft. of office/warehouse space. 3 phase power. 1 - 12 ft. overhead door and 1 - 14 ft. overhead door. Located across from Ralstons. call Rio at 403-823-2981. 25tfc
FOR RENT... Affordable office, shop & yard space for rent. (North Drumheller). Former McLeans Construction. Great exposure. Call Steve to view 403-821-0122. 43c45
HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out www.powerrealty.ca. 5tfc
Mobile Home lots available located in trailer park. Lot rent $400/mo. Conditions apply. Also selling new mobile homes starting at $99000. 403-823-4499. 12tfc
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214. 49tfc
FOR SALE... Texas USA. Best Buy. Own a prime 30 acre ranch in sunny West Texas only $495 per acre, $150.00 per month, guaranteed financing. Call 1-800-875-6568. 45p46
DRIVERS: Class 1. Singles/Teams. Longhaul, US capable. Good miles/hometime. Excellent Pay & Benefits. 800-397-2821. www.challenger.com 45p
DEKEYSER AUCTION... Phone/Fax 403-823-9871. 4tfc
WANTED... Your certified kitchen to use one or two days a week. Phone Ellen at 403-821-0340. 44p46
WANTED TO TRADE... Ice fishing auger like new for an electric weed eater in good condition. Phone: 403-823-7886 after 8 p.m. 44p
Don’t let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146. 4tfc
GOOD quality horse hay & straw in small square bales. Free delivery in most areas with self unloading truck. 496 bale loads. Phone or leave message at 403-335-4581, Drumheller, AB. 32p52
AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373. 26nctfc
THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group3 meets every Monday at 7p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “OpenMeeting”. 8nctfc
Saturday Morning Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous, Salvation ArmyChurch 241 1st St. West. Contact 403-334-0246, Chris W. 37nctfc
Gamblers Anonymous. Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Drumheller Alliance Church, 607 - 7 Avenue East in the basement. 44c45
Notice - Winter Hours Last Chance Saloon in Wayne. Mon. to Sat - 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Open later if busy! Rooms available - $55.00 per night. Rainier Beer 15 paks - $20.00 total price! Free Pool - every Saturday 10:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Quart night - every Wednesday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Please phone 403-823-9189. 44c47
PRECIOUS St. Jude, Precious Mother and Sacred Heart of Jesus, be praised, adored and glorified throughout the world forever, Amen. Say 3 times a day for 9 days and promise publication and your prayers will be answered before the ninth day, no matter how possible. I. D. 45p
Available Bachelorettes, Carla is 37 years old with medium length blonde hair and bright blue eyes! She has beautiful skin and a white smile. She is 5’4 with a slim athletic figure. Carla is a very passionate & devoted woman looking for a long term relationship! She is divorced with no children& living independently. She is financially stable & secure! Carla ! She finds her job exciting & loves every aspect of it. Carla is very attractive, well dressed & loves horses, big open space, nature and the countryside She is a beautiful person on the inside & out & can’t wait to meet a man that considers himself the same. She appreciates honesty, communication and love in a relationship. Carla is a really amazing woman but hasn’t found the right man to settle down with yet! For a free file review www.selectintroductions.com 1888 916 2824 customized memberships est 10 years Canadawide. 45p
EPICURE SELECTIONS mystery hostess event. Nov. 14, 7 p.m. Win Hostess gifts! Call Sandra at 403-823-8433 for details. 43p45
Aaron Lines concert Nov. 14 at Delia Community Centre. Tickets 403-364-2081. Doors open 7:30 p.m., show at 9:00 p.m. 45p
Drumheller and District Rural Crime Watch Annual General Meeting. Fred & Barney’s Meeting Room. Wednesday, November 18, 2009. 6:30 p.m. supper, meeting to follow. 45p46
“Tim and Amy Montgomery, along with their families, would like to send a heartfelt thank you to the Morrin Community for the Bridal Shower hosted on August 28, 2009, and a special thanks to the ladies who hosted the event. The generous gifts and well wishes are greatly appreciated as they begin their life together as newlyweds. Many thanks.” 45p
We would like to thank all of our friends, neighbours, and relatives for your love and support during Bette’s recent passing. Thank you for the gifts of food and flowers, for the many phone calls and letters of condolence, and for sharing your memories of times you spent with Bette. These were especially precious. Thank you to Rev. Jan Richardson of Knox United Church in Drumheller for your pastoral care and your words of comfort during the memorial service. We could not have gotten through this without you. To the Knox United Church Women, thank you for the reception following the memorial service. This was a big job and we appreciate the work you did very much. Thanks to the staff at Courtney-Winters Funeral Home for your efficient and caring services. We extend our special thanks also to Rhoda Murray, Shae-Lyn Eremko, and Barbara Kallay for sharing your musical gifts during the service. Bette loved music. If you so choose, gifts in remembrance of Bette can be sent to the Drumheller Girl Guides, c/o Box 3157, Drumheller, AB, TOJ OYO. Again, thank you, from Elmer and the girls (Dawn, Beverley, and Shelley). 45p